Sunday, March 17, 2013


Happy Sunday Evening! I hope everyone had as great a weekend as I did. My adorable neice turned three and we had a fun time celebrating with her.
If you enjoyed my project idea in a previous post, check out my Neighborhood Project Pack on my Tpt site:
The pack contains a series of projects that you can do over the course of a year or semester. You can also pick and choose which projects suit your classes best. I hope you enjoy them!
Spring break is underway and I'm enjoying some free time with my family. During the break, I will be working on some more worksheets and units of study for my Tpt site as well as getting ready for the Spring in my classroom. Two writing projects we always work on in Spring are our "How To Books" and our "All About Me Books". The "How To Books" allows the students to independently pick their own topics and learn how to create a piece of writing from start to finish. Our "All about Me Books" let the students express themselves and their interests while honing in on their writing skills. If you have any specific questions on how I do these pieces, feel free to send me a question through my Tpt site.
Thank you for visiting!! Check back soon!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Sunday!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Today I'm going to share a project that my class finished recently. We call it our long vowel scrapbooks. The children are very proud of their work! Here are the directions:

To prepare: gather as many brightly colored magazines that you can. The more, the merrier! I have my students at four tables and I put an assortment of magazines at each table. You also will need construction paper, pencils, markers, scissors and glue for each child.

1. Have the children take five pieces of contruction paper.
2. Have them write one different vowel on the top of each page (if you want to do this part yourself in advance you can.)
3. Pick a vowel page that you would like to work on that day. For example, we began with long "a".
4. The students now need to find at least five pictures in the magazines that have long "a" in them. They do not need to begin with "a", simply have a long "a" sound in the name. For example- a picture of a face or a cake or a rake.
5. Children cut out their five pictures and glue them on their "a" page.
6. After they are finished glueing, they write first in pencil and label each picture.
7. Then the teacher checks for correct spelling and the child goes over the word in marker.
8. Repeat for all five vowels.
9. Once the vowel pages are complete, kids make a cover saying "Long Vowel Scrapbook by ____" and decorate it however they like.

My students have enjoyed this project year after year. I hope yours do too! Thank you for visiting! Check back soon!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fun Game Idea

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a little while. This weekend my husband, two kids and I moved apartments. What an endeavor! Now we are all settled in and I can get back to sharing my ideas. Since my first year of teaching all my students (and my own two kids) have always loved what I call "the game". We play it in the hallway when waiting to go to a special (art, music, etc) or in the classroom at the end of the day while waiting for parents. It is such a simple game but children adore it.
How To Play:
 1. line the children up horizontally almost shoulder to shoulder, I have found putting their backs against a wall works great if you are near a wall
2. pick one students to be the "picker" and have that child stand in front of the line facing the other kids
3. the "picker" must choose the child who is standing the quietest and the stillest, the "picker" cannot choose a friend who is not quiet or else he/she forfeits being the "picker" for the rest of the game
4. once the quietest child is chosen, the "picker" goes into that child's spot and the chosen child becomes the "picker"
5. play as long as the kids want and as many children have had turns to be the "picker"
I hope it works as well for your classes as it has for mine!

Thank you to those of you who have downloaded my activities at Tpt. I hope you are enjoying them. I just put up two worksheet packets called Superdog Plato and His Sidekick Ollie Story Problem Mission:  and Superdog Plato and His Sidekick Ollie Number Match up Mission:
Thank you for visiting. Come back soon!